"It is not long discourses nor eloquent tongues, that are the things which are pleasing in the ears of the Lord, but a humble, broken, and contrite heart (Ps 51:17, Is 57:15)" -John Bunyan on Prayer
Humble: humble prayer is prayer that brought with submission to the Father, knowing that we are far inferior and in desperate need of Him.
Broken: A broken heart in prayer is a heart that realizes how incomplete it is. A heart that knows it can only be fixed by the Lord. All of us are broken, but a broken heart in prayer is one that realizes its state.
Contrite: A contrite heart feels the weight and agony of its sins. It is heart that sees sin and God rightly, desiring to be cleansed of all iniquity. A contrite heart is a desperate heart. A heart that is in need of a savior and calls out to God in agony to forgive.
Is this how you come to the Lord?