Thursday, January 28, 2010

The World

"In the beginning God created..."


Our hope is not in this sin filled world we live in, but in a world that will be restored.  Are we communicating this by the way we live, or are we hoping in the same thing the world is hoping in?  Pray that those around us would see our love for Christ and the world to come, and not our love for sin and stuff. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Youth Room

The youth room has been painted.  Though this may just seem like a cosmetic change, to the youth it is so much more.  It is now a place that is theirs, a place they helped to create.  Their is pride and belonging in this room.  So something as small as painting is a giant step forward for this youth group. 


Today, pray that in this youth room, lives would be changed.  Pray that the gospel would transform.  Pray that friendships will strengthen.  This could be the start of something amazing in these kids lives.  I also as that you stop by the youth room either before or after the service Sunday and pray.  look around the room a imagine kids lives being changed there, and ask God to do amazing things.    

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tell and Sing

“O tell of His might, O sing of His grace
Whose robe is the light and canopy space
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm” 

-Hymn, O Worship the king


Tell…sing…these are verbs, that speak of our action.  In the song they seem as if they just naturally flow out of loving God.  My prayer today is for our church to have such an overflowing love that everywhere we go our lives testify of Him.  For just as the last two lines of this verse testify, his wrath is real and it is coming.  Let our lives bring others out of darkness into light! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Taking Risks

“Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.” –Braveheart


Well, I have been home sick all week with the flu (not fun at all).  I decided to pop in one of my favorite movies, Braveheart, to pass the time.  The above quote is from this movie, and really got me thinking. 


It really takes courage to follow where your heart leads.  We value comfort, safety, and security so highly that risking these things is a difficult task.  Well, our church is at the point where we can follow our call to grow the church or follow our desire for comfort.  The decision seems easy on paper, but in actuality it is a hard one.  It is a decision that takes courage.  With that, we must respect those who take the leap, and understand when there are those in the church who are hesitant.  This isn’t easy.   


Today, pray for this church to take risks.  Not crazy risks, but risks that would put people out of their comfort zone.  Risks that would prove the body is more important than the individual.  Pray we would all have the courage to follow where Christ leads, and not just follow what is comfortable. 


PS – if none of this makes sense, I blame the meds J

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I forgot a word.



I spent 10 minutes in my office yesterday thinking of this word.  I knew what I was trying to say and knew the word I was looking for started with a “C” but could not think of the word.  In the middle of trying to think of the word I was humbled by the Lord.  I realized that each that every word I think of is a result of God allowing me to think it.  Every motion I am able to take is because of God’s grace.  So often I think I am in control.  I can think, move, and act all on my own.  Today, I was humbly reminded of my dependence on Him even for the little things.  I am not in control of anything.  If God wants to do something, he will.  If I get in His way he can take me out of the equation in an instant.  He is God.     


My prayer today is that we would all realize our dependence on Him.  We can do nothing apart from Him, period.  That is why Colossians 1:17 says that “he is before all things, and by him all things are held together.”  So remember, all you do is a result of Christ allowing it.  He is in control, not you.    

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not Deserted

“But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Therefore you did not desert them, event when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and daid, “this is your god who brought you up out of Egypt,’ or when they committed awful blasphemies.” – Neh. 9:17


Despite all we do, God has not deserted us.  Let us remember this today, and let us thank God for his abounding love.  Also, let us pray that others in our community might understand the love and compassion of God!   

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gandhi on Christians

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Mahatma Gandhi


Pray that this would not be the case for us.  Pray that those we are called to reach see us more like Christ than not.  Often, the biggest barrier to evangelism is our own. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tears of Joy

“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”  Eph 2:8


On Sunday I preached about grace, the idea that we are saved by no merit of our own, but solely by the grace of God.  I explained that our sin deserves penalty, and the very one we sinned against was the one the decided to pay the penalty in our place.  That is grace. 


After the service every week, we get in a circle and have discussion (we call it Bible study breakout).  My first question for the past two weeks has been: what do you think about this idea.  This week one of the students eyes just lit up as he explained how he had never heard this before, and began to speak of how incredible it is!  You could tell that the gospel is truly taking root inside.  God is doing amazing things in the hearts of these youth in just the two weeks we have had together. 


As I think about this moment it brings tears to my eyes.  This is why I am here at this church.  This is why we are all here, to see the gospel transform people.  So despite all the challenges in front of us, despite all the tension that is present as we try to change and grow this church, we have this to rejoice in.  My prayer today is that we would continue to pray for the youth and for others who are just joining our community.  I pray that as we strategically move forward that people would focus on what God is doing in hearts and not what is being done to “change” things.  Pray today that the church body would focus on what we can do to reach people and not what we can do to meet personal preference.  This will take much prayer, so please, beg the Lord to work in hearts, including your own.           

Thursday, January 7, 2010


“For a church to be revitalized and transformed, much hard work must be done” – William T. McConnell


Though this may seem like an obvious statement, I am sure there are those in the congregation who see it as a spectator sport.  Pray today that the entire congregation would be motivated, excited, and ready to work.  Pray that this strategic planning would be fruitful because of the work people will put into the implementation.  I am hopeful because of the response we got from attendance and the commitment forms,  so pray that this commitment would be fulfilled by all. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


“One of the early stages of becoming a Christian is, I think, realizing that our problems aren’t fundamentally that we have messed up our own lives, or have simply failed to reach our full potential, but that we have sinned against God.” – Mark Dever in The Gospel and Personal Evangelism


I would completely agree with Mark here, which is why I preached on our sinfulness this past week to the youth.  If I could get them to grasp their sinfulness and depravity, then they would be at a point where they know they need a savior.  So this week I will preach on grace and salvation in hopes that the realization of their depravity and realization of who Jesus is will bring them to worship our Savior in ways they never have.  Pray today that these kids would truly grasp their desperate need for Jesus.  Pray that Jesus wouldn’t be just something they add to a list of things they like, but that He would be their treasure. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selfless Unity

" So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Philippians 2:1-4)


I am humbled by the unity and service that this group displayed on Sunday.  Everyone served in different ways while being unified for the same purpose.  Everyone was looking out for the interests of others:  With women in the kitchen for hours to get the meal ready and then back in the kitchen to clean up, never expecting a thank you and didn’t care if people noticed – your heart was to make the strategic planning meeting a success.  Their were others setting tables, serving food, and making extra copies because of the big turnout, all focused on making sure the meeting went smoothly. 


I know you don’t think what you did was a big deal, but it was!  Because you planned and organized the meal I was able to spend my time on preparing for the 1st youth service and the 1st strategic planning meeting, which was a bit overwhelming falling on the same day.  Because you were in the kitchen preparing the food I was able to set up the room for the youth service, do some last minute things, and hang out with Matthew who came early.  Because you were serving food I was able to make the presentation while people were eating which made it possible to have the presentation before people began to leave.  Because you helped make copies and cleaned up everything at the end I was able to sit down and build relationships with the youth, who ended up staying around until about 2pm.  If I had gotten up to clean then the youth would have left at 11:30.  If there would not have been food the youth and many others would not have come at all.  I believe that the time I spent with the youth after the meal was more valuable then the sermon I preached or the songs we sang.  It allowed them to get to know me, and see that I cared for them, which is what youth are craving, and those conversations might just be the reason they come back next week.  None of this would have happened if you did not do what you did. 


So today is more of a praise than a prayer.  I am thankful for you and God is honored by your service.  Thank you for everything!    

Monday, January 4, 2010

Joy Overflows

“A few days ago I called my eighty-five-year-old father and said, “Daddy, I am writing a book on how to fight for joy.  What one thing comes to your mind from sixty years of ministry as to what Christians could do to increase their joy?”  Almost without hesitation he said, “Share their faith.”  Joy in Christ thrives on being shared.  That is the essence of Christian joy: It overflows or dies.” –John Piper in When I Don’t Desire God


With a new year, we are hoping that this one will be better than the ones before.  With that hope fresh on our minds, let us realize that true joy thrives on being shared.  Let this truth sink into our hearts so we are more compelled to share our faith, for our joy and God’s glory!  Pray for our church today.  Pray that we would find joy in sharing our faith.  All of us need help in this area, and help starts with prayer.