Monday, November 1, 2010

Don't Seek the Experience

"Deep in our psyches we want an experience with God or an experience in prayer.  Once we make that our quest, we lose God.  You don't experience God; you get to know him.  You submit to him.  You enjoy him.  He is, after all, a person" -Paul Miller 

We all have those times in our life where God felt so real.  We can't help but think about those times and want to experience them again.  But what happens when we pursue this experience?  It becomes about an emotional feeling, and not about God.  And just like a roller-coaster, the thrill is amazing while it lasts, but once it is over you must ride another roller-coaster to feel that way again.  This leads us into a cycle of experience instead of a deeper relationship with God. 

Laura and I have some great memories together.  We have flown over the longest water fall in the world, snorkeled at the 2nd largest barrier reef while touching sting rays, toured London in 10 hours during a layover...but the moments that are the sweetest and most meaningful are the ones where we have been lost in conversation.  It didn't matter where we were or what we were was those times that matter.  Yes, the experiences we have had are amazing, but it was the deepening of our relationship that has mattered most.  Through my pursuit of Laura there will be many great memories and experiences, but those are just a result of my pursuing her, not the purpose.  This is the same with God.  We should seek not the thrill of the ride but rather the beauty of the deepening relationship.  
I am not saying those experiences are wrong, just that pursuing them is, because it makes it the goal to use spiritual things and God to make me feel a certain way.  This makes me central, and not God.  I am the created one, therefore my life needs to be about Him: loving Him, obeying Him, and pursuing Him.  

Pray for the purpose of knowing God, not to just experience what He gives.   

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