Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Walking Trees

"[Jesus] had spit on [the blind man's] eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see men, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly." Mk 8:24

Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn't just heal the blind man completely the first time?  I doubt it was because the first attempt "didn't take".  So there must be an intentional reason, which is why Jesus probes him after the partial healing, asking if he sees anything.

This is a loaded question, because yes, the man can now see, but no, he really can't.  You can't say this man is still blind, but you also can't say he can now see.  His sight is fuzzy, enough to know things are there, but not enough to know what they really are and how they really look.

The partial healing was meant to represent the state of the disciples.  They aren't completely blind as to who Jesus is, but still don't quite get it.  In Mark 6 we are told about Jesus feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish...then in the first part of Mark 8 we find the disciples doubting that Jesus can feed 4,000.  The disciples lack true faith in Jesus.  Despite what Jesus has done amidst them and for them, they still don't get it.

Are we the same?  How quickly do we forget, and doubt, question God when things get tough?  I can't help to wonder how many of us, spiritually, are still seeing trees.  Are our eyes opened to clearly see Jesus, or do we still have this fuzzy idea about him?  The answer to this question does not come from what you just thought in your head, but rather how you are living.  If you are living as if He is who He said he is, and He will do what He has said...then you can see!  But most of us live is this state of believing in our heads but not really trusting with our lives.  Most of us walk around seeing trees.

Lord, gives us the eyes to truly see and follow you!    

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